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Hamba Allah
December 7th, 2009 at 5:56 pm

Dear All

I have experience Marifatullah but thrugh my advise start from bottom
from syariat as our Rasullulah said think of Allah and never allow
to question abt Zat if you dont understant abt Marifat you will get into
big trouble like as i ever said to myself (Why i worry everthing is written
end me up to disaster)

The most important is Taqwa and follow Rasullullah is the best way

Marifat can only be acheived by selected people chosen by God Wasaalam

Ust Hj Hussien Bin Abdul latiff
December 8th, 2009 at 1:39 am

This question had been raised in”Istilah dan Sejarah I” which is as follow:

Razale Ahat
June 3rd, 2009 at 8:20 am
Jika, Makrifat kepada Allah Ta’ala itulah yang merupakan asas atau fundamen yang di atasnya didirikanlah segala kehidupan kerohanian, Tidakah ia harus diajar kepada anak anak kita di peringkat awal seperti di madrasah atau kelas agama minguan.

[If “Knowledge of God” is the base or foundation of our spiritual world, shouldn’t it be taught to children at the early stage say, in Madrasah (Islamic Religious School) or weekend Islamic religious classes?]

Saya telah berbicara tentang apa yang diajar oleh Ustaz kepad beberapa teman. Tetapi jawapan yang selalu saya terima ialah ilmu Makrifatullah adalah ilmu agama islam yang sangat dalam dan mereka tidak mahu mempelajarinya kerana kononnya ilmu syariah mereka belum cukup.

[I had discussed with some friends about what Ustaz had taught me. Their answer would always be “Knowledge of God” is an lslamic subject which requires an in depth study of Syariah as such they do not want to study it because their study of Syariah is still inadequate].

Ust Hussien Abdul Latiff
June 3rd, 2009 at 1:06 pm
Alhamdulillah, di seminar Makrifatullah kami di Singapura yang kini dibuat setiap awal bulan, kami dapat mengajarkan ilmu ini kepada anak-anak termasuk mereka yang di bawah umur 12 tahun. Daripada pengalaman kami kanak-kanak berumur 10 tahun keatas dapat memahami ilmu ini kerana itu kami sentiasa buka seminar kami kepada kanak-kanak ataupun kepada kesemua ahli keluarga. Kami juga pernah buka seminar ini kepada yang bukan Islam mereka juga memahaminya dan kagum Islam mempunyai Ilmu ini. Semasa mengadakan seminar di Johor Bahru, ramai asatizah meminta saya mengajar ilmu ini di madrasah-madrasah di Johor Bahru khasnya dan Malaysia amnya kerana ianya memperkuat aqidah. Sayangnya, pada masa ini saya belum ada masa untuk berbuat begitu, insya-Allah di hari depan mungkin.

[Praise be to Allah, we have held Seminar on Knowledge of God in Singapore every month and even taught this Knowledge to children below the age of 12 years old. From our experience even a 10 years old child could understand this Knowledge hence we open our Seminar to Children of all ages or to a Family. We even open this Knoledge to non-Muslim in Singapore and they too could understand this Knowledge and were flabbergasted that Islam has this Knowledge. When we held a Seminar in Johor Bahru in respect of this Knowledge, many of the Asatizah (Islamic Religious Teachers) requested that we taught the same in the Madrasah (Islamic Religious Schools) in Johor particularly and in Malaysia generally as this Knowledge helps to strengthen our Islamic Faith. Unfortunately because of time constraints, I could not now accept the offer but may be in the near future if God so Will.]

Jumhur ulama mengatakan “Awaludin Makrifatullah” dan Rasulullah (saw) ada berpesan kepada para sahabat sekiranya mereka bersua dengan kaum yahudi yang mahu beriman kepada Allah swt, kenalkan mereka kepada Allah dahulu sesudah itu baru beritahu sembahyang 5 waktu itu adalah wajib. Di sini kita lihat bagaimana peri pentingnya Makrifatullah kepada seseorang yang mahu beriman kepada Allah. Kerana inilah Allah sudah memperkenalkan DiriNya kepada kita di dalam azali lagi: sila rujuk Surah Al Araaf (7):172-173 yang tertera di atas ini. Sayangnya, syaitan-syaitan sudah mengelirukan umat manusia dan membuat mereka berfikir Makrifatullah itu hanya untuk yang sudah tinggi ilmunya. Bukankah ini bercangggah dengan pandangan Rasulullah (saw) dan jumhur ulama? Maka adalah tugas kami membanteras tipu dayah syaitan ini untuk membena umat Islam yang kuat iman mereka dan tidak dapat dipesongkan aqidah mereka dengan senang menerusi apa yang turun daripada pintu globalisasi.

[Majority of our Muslim Scholars had stressed, “The First thing in religion is to know God” and our Hold Prophet (pbuh) had reminded his Companions that should they meet Jews who want to embrace Islam, teach them to know God first before telling them that the 5 times daily prayers are obligatory. To this end, we should note how important is the “Knowledge of God”. Thus Allah swt had made it a point to introduce Himself to us whilst we were in the world of souls: see verse Al Araaf (7):172-173. Regrettably, Satan had managed to dupe many to think that this Knowledge is meant for those who are in the higher enchelon of the Islamic Faith. This clearly contradicted the sayings of our Holy Prophet (pbuh) as well as the majority of our Islamic Scholars as aforesaid.
It is our job to clear this misconception created by Satan and to strengthen the Islamic faith in our Muslims with this Knowledge so as not to be easily deceived by Satan and also with whatsoever coming out from the “Door of Globalisation”]

I will add that the time has come and the Door Of Globalisation is now open for us to give this Knowledge to the Whole World (Muslims and Non-Muslims). From our experience, Alhamdullilah, we need only about 3 hours or less to give this Knowledge to our participants of all ages: See our Feedbacks column. Be that as it may, in the Book entitled, “Sufis of the 20th Century” by Martin Ling. Syeikh Ahmad Alawi, the leader of the Sufistic Movement stated that he could endow his dervishes with this Knowledge of God in matter of minutes, hours, days or months. So it is not a big deal. In fact, obtaining this Knowledge is but an infant stage into the World of God. It is just like a blind person who just got his eyesights. In fact every infant is born a Muslim (Knowing God)because this Knowledge had already been given to them whilst they are in the realm of souls as such there is no excuse for any individual not worship Allah because he did not know Allah or that he is a mere follower of his ancestors in their worshipping other than Allah.

“Dzat” is the name given to God as the Holy Prophet [pbuh] had said that “Allah is Dzat, Most Majestic” and “There is no God but The Dzat”. What has been discussed is His Attributes (Sifat), Names (Asma’) and (Af’al) Doings. As to the Dzat, Himself, nobody knows. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) had said, ” Who happened to glance the Dzat will be destroyed.”

Finally I will say that if Syaikh Ahmad Alawi (or person like him) said that he could endow his dervishes with this Knowledge of God in matter of minutes, hours, days or months, this enlightened person deserves one’s ears not prejudice. As Imam Ahmad Ar Rifai said,”Hasten and listen to the talks of these peoples before their demise!”


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Yayasan Makrifatullah Sedunia (YAMAS) - Indonesia

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