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Mohd S

Salam ustaz, just wondering…

if you were to leave out the part about “A little of His Essence” and replace it with something like “He wills it out of nothing and it (the creations) came into being”…. will it upset one’s aqidah? ?will it flaw the whole tasawuf??

Thank you


hj hussien bin abdul latiff

To say, ““He wills it out of nothing and it (the creations) came into being”… is to say there are at the beginning two existence – (i) Allah (ada) and (ii) Nothing (Tiada – daripada tiada/out of nothing). Contoh – Saya datang daripada Kuala Lumpur. Prof Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al Buti berpendapat:

Sekiranya Allah swt didahului oleh tiada nescaya ada yang memberi kesan pada kewujudan-Nya. Jika demikian halnya, maka Dia tidak layak menjadi Tuhan kerana yang berhak menjadi Tuhan ialah yang wujud sebelumnya dan yang mengadakannya. Jika tiada yang lain selain Dia, maka Dialah yang disifatkan Qadim dan Dialah Tuhan sebenarnya:

Telah pun sabit dengan bukti yang yakin, yang tidak mengandungi keraguan sedikit pun bahawa kewujudan segala yang mumkin ini bersandar pada zat yang wajib Wujudnya (wajibul wujud), yang bersifat dengan segala sifat kesempurnaan dan yang suci daripada segala sifat kekurangan. Maka seharusnya kita mengimani zat yang agung, yang mengatur urusan alam semesta ini seluruhnya. Zat ini berhubungkait dengan alam semesta dan tidak terpisah daripadanya.”
Ref:Muhammad Said Ramadhan Al Buti, Keyakinan Hakiki, 124 & 112

Allah Pencipta langit dan bumi, dan bila Dia berkehendak (untuk menciptakan) sesuatu, maka (cukuplah) Dia hanya mengatakan kepadanya: “Jadilah”. Lalu jadilah ia. Al Baqarah (2):117

Kalau Allah swt sahaja pada permulaan maka kepada siapa Dia tujukan firman itu?. Kalau ada sesuatu selain daripada-Nya maka pada permulaan sudah ada dua kewujudan dan dengan ini runtuhlah tauhid.
Imran Hoesin, Islam And The Changing World Order, 9 (1991).


Mohd S

Salam Ustaz,

Thank you for the response. Maybe I had used the wrong words in trying to express my point. Let me rephrase…. say “He wills it and the creations come into being”. I am quite sure you see where I am going with this.

Unless there is specific and clear quranic ayat/s or hadith/s referring to Him creating, out of a little of His essence, all other creations, then we should just accept that He simply willed it into being.

For to say that he used a little of His essence to create would limit His Almightiness, that he needed to have something in order to create another thing (and also, based on your account at another page, it would appear as if He ‘needed’ for His little essence to be in all creations to be All Knowing).

Based on the Luh Mahfuz being His Divine Plan, then it is apparent that He knows All, even before creating His creations, thereby invalidating the idea of ‘needing’ to create out of a little of His Essence and be ‘present’ in all creations in order to Know All.

It is His Knowledge that encompasses all and not His Essence/Being). So far, I find the rest of your belief of the creator and creations still plausible, except that it pivots on this “Little Essence” part. This part has to be better proven.

Thank you



Hj Hussien Latiff

This begs the question as pointed out by Imam Imran Hoesin to whom He commanded, “Be” when He is the only existence? And here arose the concepts of Wahdatul Wujud and Nur Muhammad which are rejected by syariah.

He does not need anything other than Himself to create creation and if you understood this you will understand the saying of Imam Ghazali, “Orang yang mengenal dirinya dan mengenal Tuhannya niscaya sudah pasti ia mengenal bahawa ia tiada mempunyai wujud bagi dirinya.
Imam Ghazali, Ihya Ulumiddin Bk. 7, 427 (1981).

And you will understand too the following verse of the Quran:
Akulah yang zahir dan batin
Al Hadid (57):3

Your saying ““He wills it out of nothing and it (the creations) came into being” is a common mistake in many of our ulama books on tauhid which statement tantamount to shirks”. This should not be taken lightly nor brushed aside lightly because it destroyed one’s Aqidah. I don’t think you know where you are going until I pointed it out to you but as I say it is a common mistake among many ouf our ulamas not only you.

As for the ahadith and the Quranic verses as reference for the concept Dzatiyah, please refer to my lectures especially in Youtube – Makrifatullah 2 Part 4

Did not you realise Loh Mahfuz is also a creation and does not exist before He commanded, “Be” so when He commanded, “Be”, where does Loh Mahfuz come from and according to you previously must be “out of nothing”.

You said,”It is His Knowledge that encompasses all and not His Essence/Being” – think carefully – is His Knowledge estranged from His Essence? Or His Knowledge inseparable from His Essence? Same situation was posed to me by one ulama and I told him that His Knowledge is inseparable from His Essence, He was visibly shaken and this was what he said,”If people can understand what you had just said, many would achieve Makrifat.” May Allah Bless his soul as he just demised recently. I hope what this ulama had spoken may enlighten you.


Mohd S

Thank you Ustaz, I shall go through this site further and see what I will ‘see’ at the end.



Hj Hussien Latiff

Thanks and salam to you.


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